I have a particular sentiment for this this website. I started to work on it in 2000, and it was the first project I put online. The website had been running long after I left it in 2004. It gathered a small but vibrant community, and was one of longest running gaming websites in Poland.
The website was created for passion I had at the time for Deus Ex, an excellent and still very enjoyable sci-fi action/RPG game. It was also a playground where I learned how to design and code. Surely, I made tons of mistakes (kindly forgive the quality of the code), but it was also an opportunity to grasp HTML, JavaScript and PHP. Last but not least, was a place where I ignited an online community that lasted for years.
2004 version
Before I left the crew, I designed a new layout. It was later implemented by Jacek “Jaca” Mielcarek who took over technical responsibilities.
Work done
- Graphic design
2002 version
Work done
- Graphic design
- Client-side code
- Server-side code: initially Perl, then PHP scripts, then a custom CMS